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Yellow Fever Vaccine, Live freeze-dried

We Biovex is the leading Supplier and Exporter of Yellow Fever Vaccine around the world, providing to more than 30 countries including more than 10 countries in the African continent.

We represent the one of the leading Manufacturer of Yellow Fever Vaccine having all the necessary documents with the WHO Pre- Qualified Yellow Fever Vaccine with an effective pricing and logistic support.. 

We classify ourselves as the major distributor of Yellow Fever Vaccine in India and around the world

Generic Name: 

Yellow Fever Vaccine, Live freeze-dried

(Lyophilizate for preparing the solution for intramuscular/subcutaneous injection)



The Yellow Fever Vaccine is a suspension of attenuated Yellow Fever virus, strain 17D, infected SPF (specific pathogen free) chick embryo tissues. The vaccine's ultimate shape is a pale pink, hygroscopic, porous tablet. The vaccine complies with WHO standards. The vaccination offers protection against the Yellow Fever virus starting 10 days after delivery for a minimum of 10 years.



Each single dose of the vaccine contains:






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Pharmaceutical Form:

Lyophilized powder to be reconstituted for Injection.


Method of Administration:

The vaccine is administered using a syringe, typically intramuscularly, but subcutaneously is also an option.



0.5ml per dose



2 Dose Vial and 10 Dose Vial with Diluent.


Possible Side Effects:

These may include Low grade Fever, Headache and Muscle Pain.



The vaccine should not be given to children under the age of six months and should not be given to children between the ages of six and nine months. The only exception to this rule is during epidemics, when the risk of the YF virus spreading may be extremely high and the risk of disease would outweigh the relatively small safety risk of vaccination.


Shelf Life:

24 months



The reconstituted vaccine and the diluent should be stored at +2°C and +8°C and must be used within six hours of reconstitution. Avoid freezing.

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