Newcastle Disease Vaccine (Lentogenic,'F' Strain)
Generic Name:
Newcastle Disease Vaccine (Lentogenic,'F' Strain) or Ranikhet Disease Vaccine, Live, Lentogenic ‘F’ strain, I.P.
Ranikhet disease 'F' strains are lentogenic strains. It is the least stressed vaccine virus strain in its class. It can be used at any age, even layered, as a booster vaccine without affecting the egg-laying period. This vaccine contains live attenuated Ranikhet disease strain 'F' virus grown in SPF chicken eggs and is available in lyophilized form.
Newcastle disease is an infection of poultry and other bird species by the pathogenic Newcastle disease virus (NDV). It is a global problem and presents primarily as an acute respiratory illness, although depression, neurological symptoms, or diarrhea may be the predominant clinical forms.
The vaccine contains more than 106 EID50 viruses of F strain in a single dose.
Pharmaceutical Form:
Freeze dried form with diluent
Method of Administration:
(a) Administer one drop of reconstituted vaccine orally to chicks.
(b) Drinking water method - mix the reconstituted vaccine with cold drinking water. Use as much water as a chick can drink in 1-2 hours
One drop of reconstituted vaccine
100, 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 dose vials.
Shelf Life:
24 Months for the Manufacture
Store the vaccine at 2o– 8oC. Cool the diluent in ice one hour before the start of vaccination.