Newcastle Disease Vaccine, Inactivated
Generic Name:
Newcastle Disease Vaccine, Inactivated or Ranikhet Disease Vaccine, Inactivated I.P
Newcastle disease mostly infects the airway, gut and nervous system that includes dropping of wings, twisting of head and neck depression and complete paralysis in some cases.
Newcastle disease is an infection of poultry and other bird species by the pathogenic Newcastle disease virus (NDV). It is a global problem and presents primarily as an acute respiratory illness, although depression, neurological symptoms, or diarrhea may be the predominant clinical forms.
The vaccine is adjuvanted with aluminum hydroxide gel with 2 mg Aluminum per dose and minimum titer per dose (before inactivation) was kept at > 108.6EID50 of Ranikhet Disease of LaSota strain virus.

Pharmaceutical Form:
FreezAluminium Hydroxide Gel Adjuvanted
Method of Administration:
Vaccine is given intramuscularly in thigh area.
0.5 mL per bird.
1000 dose vials.
Shelf Life:
24 Months for the Manufacture
Store the vaccine at 2 °– 8 °C.